Friday, October 28, 2011

Danger ahead

After reading that author Lysa TerKeurst at one point actually licked a paper plate clean of pizza tidbits, I decided that nothing is sacred in this journey of learning to crave God more than food and stuff.  If she can share that story, I should be able to share likewise with those who take time to read these ramblings of my heart.

Ok, before Hershey's changed their wrappings, there was a white waxy paper underneath the trademark brown Hershey Bar outer wrap.  I loved that white wrapper - you see I have been known to chew the wrapping after consuming the candy.  Yep. There it is. I never ate it, I just chewed it - didn't want to miss out on any tiny speck of chocolate.

In addition, I have tucked away (not hidden, though!) candy, snack crackers, pretzels, chips, cookies (need I continue?) in my desk drawer at work. There is still a stash in residence!  And on Monday I will empty it out into the trash!  Do you know that I have not once been tempted these past few weeks to even OPEN that drawer?  And until I sat down to write this entry, I had actually forgotten it was there.

There have been other food attachments I could confess, but no need... I think you get the point here.  I was addicted to food - and not just food, but the types of foods that do nothing beneficial for God's temple, AKA my earthly body.

The DANGER reflected in the title today is that I will fall back into old habits.  I've lost and regained more than an entire person in my lifetime! And I could say "been there, done that, got the t-shirt"..... Passing a milestone as I did today used to be cause for CELEBRATION.   And what is celebrating without food?  In fact this very week, a well-meaning co-worker who is young, lovely and thin, said "Would you like a celebratory pumpkin donut? I'll buy..."  In past weak moments of excitement and joyful celebration, I have said "yes" to such an offer.  But this time I declined.  I am learning, albeit slowly, that FOOD is not the answer.  I have always loved parties, celebrations, dinners, carry-ins, etc., especially at work where it's such a pick-me-up from the regular work day.  But, again, I am LEARNING to celebrate with others while abstaining from those foods that will most assuredly cause me to stumble.

Let me remind you that I am not doing this of my own power.  It is all about GOD.  With His help I have been successful in making healthier choices --- I think I now own stock in Freshlike frozen mixed vegetables (without potatoes),  Seckle pears, Michigan cottage cheese, Aunt Millie's low fat/sugar free potato bread, plain unsalted almonds, Ocean Spray Craisins, Romaine lettuce, Wish Bone Sweet & Spicy Reduced Calorie French Dressing and Tyson boneless/skinless chicken thighs.  Sigh.  HOWEVER, the DANGER sign is always in front of me, challenging me at every turn, taunting me at every milestone.  The DANGER can be as simple as a celebratory donut or perhaps melted butter on my popcorn or splurging on KFC Original  Recipe.

I've been SUCCESSFUL in the past losing weight.  The DANGER has always been in relaxing my defenses, feeling proud of what I've done to the point of lying to myself that I really CAN eat like other people and maintain a healthy weight.  With this body and this metabolism, I cannot do that.  I am learning to accept that and adjust my eating habits accordingly.  No more feeling sorry for myself when other THINNER people don't gain weight from eating 2 chili cheese dogs, large French fries and a 32 oz Coke! 

After only 8 weeks of following God's direction, reading and re-reading the Scriptures and Made to Crave, I am humbled to be 20.4 pounds lighter than when I began this journey.  People have asked what my goal weight is... and truly I do not have one.  My goal is to please God by bowing to Him in submission.  Several times a day I ask for grace and a healthier spiritual life as well as a healthier body.  He knows far better than I what is best for this body, and He is guiding my taste buds through all the pitfalls and roadblocks.

Another DANGER is announcing to the world on Facebook what my progress looks like!  But in the spirit of being completely transparent, I am doing that.  This makes me accountable to all my Facebook friends! So keep the comments coming! I value your input!

From Made to Crave:
"God, I recognize I am made for more than the vicious cycle of being ruled by food.  I need to eat to live, not live to eat.  So, I keep asking for Your wisdom to know what to eat and Your indwelling power to walk away from things that are not beneficial for me."

There is Joy in the Journey!

Friday, October 21, 2011


When I began blogging a few weeks ago, I was just beginning my journey of learning how better to crave my Savior from the depths of my heart.  My reason for heading out on this quest was weight loss, plain and simple.  I had heard enough about Lysa TerKeurst's book to feel curious.  I delved into its pages and curiosity gave way to discovery.  Then discovery gave way to acceptance. Acceptance led to commitment.  And now commitment is the name of the game.

It's been nearly two months so far.  And for me, this is now a way of life.  What's the old adage?  A new habit takes three weeks to develop?  I would agree with that.  And after three weeks, the new habit can become a way of life.  How had it missed this in years past?  I have no idea.  But perhaps God saved it as a bonus to encourage me during my "golden years"!  Whatever the plan, I am glowing from the inside out with where this journey has led me. And I can't wait to see where He leads me next.

There have been several benefits to the weight loss that I did not expect or even contemplate.

With about nineteen pounds gone from this earthly body, here is the short list of benefits I've encountered:
* a lighter heart
* joy that helps me look on the bright side
* more restful sleep
* fewer headaches
* no indigestion
* clearer thinking (no comments, please)
* allergies have improved - and some of my new meds have been put "on hold"
* more energy
* less joint pain
* less pain in my feet, to the point of putting my prescription orthotics on the shelf!
* more interest in life!
* more enthusiasm for a new adventure
* less sleep required

The thing that I thought I craved was to "lose weight". And that has begun happening at a surprisingly steady pace.  What I discoverered that I truly craved was the attention and love of my Heavenly Father.  I always knew He was there for me, but somehow I had missed out on the fact that He desires my fellowship... And now I desire His fellowship in a deeper way than ever before.

In loving kindness Jesus came
My soul in mercy to reclaim,
And from the depths of sin and shame
Thro' grace He lifted me.

From sinking sand He lifted me,
With tender hand He lifted me,
From shades of night to plains of light,
O praise His name, He lifted me!
(text and music:  Charles H. Gabriel)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Have you ever been given such an amazing, indescribable gift that you hestitate to share it with anyone?  My fear is that it will no longer seem so marvelous if I let others in on the secret.  Silly?  Perhaps.  But a human fear nonetheless.

In recent weeks I've stepped up my reading.  The book that got me started blogging has been described on this site and I've quoted from its pages repeatedly.  Made to Crave (Lysa TerKeurst) got under my skin as no other book has done in many years.  The title provides a clue to its life-changing, thought-provoking words.  I cannot imagine reading this book without "being changed" from the inside by the Holy Spirit.  From those pages I learned in a new way that God loves me and DESIRES my fellowship, not just my prayers and petitions.  Learning to crave God is a process, and I will be in this process until I leave this earth.  However the fact that I took in Lysa's words and applied them to my personal, daily life is proof that God still works. And He is not finished with me yet.  Craving God was a new thought to me, yet the information Lysa imparts in her book is readily available to me, as it is to all of us, through the pages of the Scriptures.  She became my guide on this journey, and I will always be thankful for her wisdom in writing Made to Crave.

The second recent read that followed close on the heels of Made to Crave is One Thousand Gifts, A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp.  This book is a must-read for any Christian seeking a closer walk with Christ.  I will not give away the story, but the premise involves becoming aware of His gifts to you, to me, to all who accept them.  I was truly mesmerized by Ann's poetic words and her heartfelt writing style.  I cried many tears reading One Thousand Gifts.  It is packed with words and phrases I do not want to lose!  I had purchased it for my Kindle and found myself highlighting about every other page!  So when I was finished reading it on the Kindle, I ordered the hardcover version so that I can highlight and flip back through to my heart's content, re-reading Ann's story and relishing the retelling.  She is a gifted author, and this is a book I shall treasure.  It was a GIFT to me!

These two volumes have altered the way I think about God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  Not only how I think of the Trinity, but also how I interact with God... and with other people.  And that is the ultimate gift: learning straight from God's mouth how to be His child in this world of hopelessness, despair, dejection, depression, denial, drudgery, materialism, and selfish ambition.  From His mouth to my heart, I am changed.  He is the ultimate Giver of gifts, and I am the grateful and humble recipient.

Today I am thanking Him for books... and for authors so gifted that I believe He has inspired their works.  These women give me courage to step forward more boldly in the name of Christ, forsaking that which has the potential to drag me down and hinder my progress.  Today I am also thanking Him for life... and for every sweet moment I had the privilege of living THIS DAY.  Tomorrow may never come!  So let it be said that I lived TODAY to the fullest.

..In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect.  --1 Peter 3:15

Regrettably, I have not always lived my days for a holy purpose.  Selfishness is a sin that I struggle with daily!  I cannot go back - hindsight is 20/20, but taking to heart the words from 1 Peter 3:15, coupled with the inspired thoughts of Lysa and Ann, I can change.  I can apply God's teachings and their wisdom as I head down the road.  October has been a milestone in my Christian walk.  Today I am more alert to His desires for me.  My head is held high, my heart beats wildly to serve, and my feet fairly float above the dirt.  My eye is on the Prize.

Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.  --1 Peter 2:10

Saturday, October 15, 2011

He is my Sanctuary

Every now and then I feel a special tug on my soul which I now attribute to the Holy Spirit simply letting me know He is here.....  Yesterday I experienced one  one of those times, and I'm still enjoying the afterglow of the moment.  It took place just south of here as I went with 3 friends to celebrate a birthday in Zionsville. 

I had been to Zionsville several times, but never to the Sanctuary.  Perhaps you have heard of it?  A former church building, it is now the gallery and restaurant owned by artist Nancy Noel.  The Sanctuary lived up to its name.  And I was awestruck by sights not only of Nancy's beautiful and distinctive artwork throughout the building, but also by the feeling of calmness and peace that seemed to blanket the place.  A church pew was part of our lunch seating and lovely old stained glass windows glowed beside our table as the October sun streamed through the golds, greens and yellows.  We celebrated Phyllis's upcoming birthday and then headed downstairs (to the church basement) to shop and, as it turned out, to meet Nancy. 

What a gift from God, truly, to be in such a beautiful place, surrounded by such breathtaking art, to be with good friends, to unhurried without a crowd of shoppers, and to have the added bonus of meeting Nancy Noel who chatted amiably with us as if she had nothing else on her agenda.  In fact, she was to leave shortly but lingered over our purchases, signing them individually as we looked on.  She even consented to being part of a group picture to commemorate our day together.

The Sanctuary was more than a restaurant and gallery for me yesterday. In my recent quest to crave God more than food and things of this world, I've gotten back to basics in Scripture that remind me repeatedly of His goodness and His provision in that "Everything is permissable but not everything is beneficial"... (1 Corinthians 10:23).  I wrote about this verse in my last post!  Well, it's still ringing in my ears... God's Word has a way of doing that, coming back to me over and again.  Perhaps I am a slow learner and need the repitition. 

Judging from the menu, the food offered for lunch all sounded absolutely delectable and as I glanced at plates being delivered to other lunchers, I nearly caved in to the desire for pot pie or quiche. After all, it was a special occasion!  But in the end, I knew it's not really about the food - it's about the experience of being together in such a special place for a special occasion.  So whatever I ate would sustain me, and I need not fret over eating just for the sake of eating.  The specialness was NOT the food, in my view.  My choices ended up not complimenting one another in the taste department - that's the part I did not think through very well. But both items were delicious in their own right.  I chose a cup (not a bowl) of Italian minestrone soup and a side of Nancy's Beets Salad.  The flavors were too strong for the same plate - but each was wonderful.  The Roobieredtea was wonderful and I will be searching for it online!

GOD is showing up everywhere I go these days... as if He were not normally there, you might say!  Well, let's just say I'm FINDING Him everywhere I go.  Yesterday He was very present in the Sanctuary.  Check it out for yourself. And be sure to take a camera.

The good news for me this morning, after dining at the Sanctuary, is that I was rewarded by a 1.5 pound weight loss, something that's been eluding me the past few days.  Thank You again, Lord.  You are my Portion and my Sanctuary!

Monday, October 10, 2011

The nuts & bolts

Several of you have asked exactly what "eating plan" I am following. The answer is NONE.  I've alluded to this in past posts, but perhaps now it's time to explain exactly what I eat, when and how much.  So here's the nuts and bolts of my daily food intake (not diet).

I believe the Scriptures are clear about eating that which is "beneficial" to the body:

Everything is permissable - but not everything is beneficial.  Everything is permissable - but not everything is constructive.  Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.  Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, for, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it."  --1 Corinthians 10:23-25

So, after reading Made to Crave, I started with this question: What foods available to me are most beneficial? 

From my past participation in Weight Watchers (thank you, Renee) and study of other materials as well, I can safely say that vegetables are an excellent food to include in my daily intake.  And the greener the better - more food value.  Those that are white or pale are starchier and less constructive. That does not mean I don't consume corn or potatoes, just that they are not in my daily selections.  I choose to consume them less frequently, based upon what I know about vegetables.  So vegetables of any description are high on my list of daily foods. 

Examples of vegetables that I most enjoy include: Brussels sprouts, asparagas, green beans, onions, fennel (yes it is tasty!~), tomatoes (actually a fruit but served as a vegetable), carrots,  squash of several varieties, mushrooms, lettuces, peppers, broccoli, celery.  I am blessed to have a good personal relationship with vegetables. I hear from some of you that vegetables are not your "thing".  But try a new one every week or so - maybe your taste buds have matured since you were a toddler!  Beets are loaded with nutrients and very few calories!  Try beets if you have not done so recently.

Second on my list of beneficial foods is fruit.  With fruit I am more selective, but still there is plenty of choice available most of the time.  Fresh is best but many canned fruits are now packed in fruit juice instead of a sugary syrup so this makes them much lower in calories.  My favorite fruits include strawberries, blueberries, red raspberries, apples, pears, peaches, cantalope.

Protein is important for building healthy cells.  I am limiting my portions of meat but daily have some kind of protein.  On a typical day, I have an egg of some preparation or peanut butter, chicken, pork or beef.  Also included in protein but crossing over into dairy is cheese - especially cottage cheese. 

Dairy is also a proven beneficial food group.  Daily I have some kind of dairy product, either lowfat/fat free yogurt or milk. 

Carbohydrates are also important to keep me filled up and to provide lasting energy.  Included in my list of carbs are Sandwich Thins, low calorie high fiber bread, Cheerios, oatmeal.

Eating something sweet is an area that I just could not give up for the long-haul!  So I perused the grocery shelves and found ginger snaps which speak to my desire for something sweet, savory & crunchy!  The sweetness is minimal, but these little cookies fill the bill for all 3 of these areas.  I carry a few ginger snaps in the car for those times when I must have a sweet snack.  I eat 1 or 2, no more than that, at a time.  In addition, I eat Quaker low calorie granola bars (chocolate chip are my favorite) a few times a week to satisfy that sweetness and they are high in nutrition as well.

I've also become fond of the 100-calorie packs of almonds to satisfy my need to crunch.  And nuts are a good source of nutrition as well.  Along with almonds, I've found a couple of mixtures of trail mix that include dried berries and I eat that sparingly as well.  Occasionally I enjoy popcorn (yes, popped in oil) but not as often as I once did.

Beverages include ice tea, coffee, ice coffee, water, Crystal Lite.

Quantities were more problematic than the food choices when I began depending upon God to be my Guide.  For me, the best rule of thumb is not to eat nearly as much as I once did, no matter what food I am consuming.  Even if it's mixed vegetables for lunch with cottage cheese and 1/2 a peanut butter sandwich... Eating more slowly helps me realize when I no longer feel hungry.  Frankly, and this is hard to admit, I finally learned what hunger feels like just a few weeks ago.  The ugly truth is that for years I've eaten my way through the day, from breakfast until bedtime, often consuming food out of habit or simple "desire" than hunger.

I am learning that I do not require nearly as much food as I once believed to be satisfied.  No second helpings, no matter what.  And leaving food on my plate is not a sin.  The leftovers are great for my next day's lunch.

For me (and your metabolism may be far different than mine), it seems to work out best to have my largest meal at midday.  So my supper is fairly limited, often consisting of only vegetables and/or salad.  I enjoy snacks everyday, mostly celery sticks (the precut varieties are amazingly crunchy and fresh and I don't have to clean the celery to enjoy it!), an apple, a few pretzels, ginger snaps, almonds or trail mix.  Also for me, evening snacks have been nearly eliminated.  I have been an "evening snacker" all my life!  And for my own health, I had to make the painful decision to stop because I know I'm not going to "exercise it off" after 9 P.M.!

So, there you have it.  It may not be what works for you, but this is what works for me.  And, oh by the way, prayers of thanksgiving are always on my lips.  With every bite, with every hunger pang, I am thanking God for His abundant provision and the discipline to "put my fork down". 

A vital part of this entire journey is having an accountability partner.  Lysa suggests it in her book, and I've found this little added feature to be extremely helpful.  Now, I not only have one partner, but two.  So each morning (without fail), I weigh on the Wii where my BMI is also calculated, and I immediately text my two buddies my loss/gain, my WEIGHT and my total loss.  These two women are my cheering section, and I am theirs.  There's something about reducing the whole process to numbers that helps provide a firm foundation even on days where my walk is not as unfaltering as others.  Little replies of "wahoo" and "go, Jesus Girl" keep me smiling and I know God is pleased that we share this common expedition with Him as our GPS.

You see, even though it's about shedding pounds and "stuff", it's not about me at all.  It's all about HIM and how He is truly my Portion and my Guide. When I pray throughout the day, I am fully aware that I am doing something that pleases Him.    And each day when I wake up, I thank Him for putting it into Lysa TerKuerst's mind and spirit to write Made to Crave.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my  portion forever.  --Psalm 73:26

Friday, October 7, 2011

All about cake

One of the foods I've been doing without for about 7 weeks (except for my granddaughter's 7th birthday party) is cake.  Cake comes in a delicious variety of flavors, icings and fillings.  And cake is one of my most favorite foods in all the world, especially white cake with white buttercream frosting.

Getting in touch with GOD more closely and drawing on His strength and His voice of reason regarding food has, so far, been an interesting journey.  When I first set out, frankly, I did not think I could travel this road for very long. Past efforts to simply "put my fork down" have failed miserably.  The obvious difference is that I am placing my own desires well out of reach and learning to lean on GOD's willpower to make wiser food choices.

I have been pleasantly surprised that I've found the resolve to pray through moments of extreme temptation when cake is available.  I am acutely aware that this is truly GOD at work.  I have been offered cake of several varieties in the past few weeks, and each time I've declined. And as I sit here at the computer, I can almost taste the rich sweetness of white cake topped with buttercream frosting... my heart races at the thought of the momentary enjoyment this food brings me.  I love cake.

{I need to add at this point that I've not been any crankier than usual as I've withdrawn from cake, chocolate and other sugary treats.  Another surprise.  That's an aside - thought you might wonder if I'd been crying myself to sleep over cake-deprivation!  The answer is an emphatic NO.  I have been even-tempered and content.  And, after nearly 2 months, I'm beginning to get this idea that craving GOD is a lot more rewarding than craving food and stuff.}

So, I thought my desire for cake was locked up and the key was conveniently tossed out.  I thought I was not longing for cake. Remember? I've been praying through those moments of temptation.

And then Tuesday night this week I dreamed about... you guessed it: CAKE.  I was not eating the pieces of cake in the dream.  But there they were, already cut into squares (very large squares, I might add) and they were floating in the air around me.  One especially inviting selection was close enough for me to snatch and consume.

In the dream, I did not even attempt to touch the desserts I was seeing.  I did not cry out or scream or pray.  I would guess this dream lasted about 30 seconds (but what do I know about elapsed time where dreams are concerned?) and then it was over.  I escaped unscathed.

I'm not quite sure how to interpret this odd nighttime drama.  I dream frequently and often recall scenes easily.  This is the only one I remember that featured food instead of people.

Made to Crave author Lysa TerKeurst quotes 1 John 2:15-16 in regard to craving:
Do not love the world or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For everything in the world - the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does - comes not from the Father but from the world.

She continues the theme further by discussing how Satan chooses his tactics.  He knows where we are weak. He desires to lure us away from God. And he knows what works - the cravings of the sinful man (woman), the lust of the eyes, and the boasting of what he has or does.

Even the subconscious mind can prove to be my enemy in the battle for willpower!  I awoke from the cake dream all the more determined to turn to GOD for satisfaction and contentment.  The cake I enjoy eating so much is, for the time being, a reminder that the slope is slippery and I could easily slide to destruction.  All for the momentary pleasure of tasting the rich sweetness across my lips.

Today I thank GOD once again for prodding me forward on this road to better physical health and, more importantly, better spiritual health.  It has become somewhat of a game for me to seek and find the word CRAVE in my everyday activities, reading, radio and TV exposure.  And I smile each time I find it, believing that GOD is cheering for me to succeed in my quest.  He knows my heart, my past, my needs, my future... and still He longs for me to draw closer to Him. 

Creator God, I don't quite understand why You love me so.  But I love You back.  Don't give up on me, please.  Help me to crave you completely. And please please make sure that there is lots of cake waiting for me, when I enter Your Kingdom.   Amen.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

It wasn't just art

Yesterday was the Annual Grief Seminar at Goshen College which I've attended since its inception in 2003.  Originally I went for the purpose of gaining more knowledge so that I might serve clients better in connection with my job.  Now I go to find some encouraging words not only for others, but also for myself and for those in my little world. I no longer work daily with death and those it leaves behind.  But I do have a passion for those affected by death and, therefore, the opportunity to find even one more book or one more article is a burning desire that continues to spur me forward.

With all of that in mind, I invited a friend who lost an adult son last November to accompany me on my day away.  She accepted and we chatted all the way there and back, about everything under the sun.  And we soaked up what tidbits of grief "stuff" that were spoken or presented, some of which was over our heads.  However, there was a workshop presenter who caught our attention and captured our interest quickly.  He uses the free expression of painting on art board as a way for clients to not only tell their stories but also to reframe their own lives since the death occurred.  In no way can I adequately describe how he does his amazing work for these grievers.  The finished works he brought to the seminar spoke volumes about the impact this simple exercise could have on an individual.

He told us a couple of their stories as he exhibited their works.  He spoke quietly and with feeling - it was easy to see his heart was wrapped up in the people he served.

My friend and I discussed him and his "ministry" (he never called it that, but I see it that way) as we drove home.  For him it was a natural progression from being a working artist to going into bereavement counseling.  Art is in his soul.  Taking the required classes and pushing toward completion of his degree demonstrated that his own interests were being set aside so that he might serve someone in need of his unique talents.  And in so doing, he was more fulfilled than he had ever been working as an artist.  I was moved to tears by the powerpoint pictures of his studio as we sat in the darkened classroom, listening to his stories about the people whose works were on display.  And in him I found a godly servant who went the extra mile to obtain an education so that others might benefit from his expertise.  All of that led me meditate on this verse:

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.   --Philippians 2:3

What if I did "nothing out of selfish ambition" just for one week?  What if I humbly considered others better than myself just for one week?

This blog is meant to not only provide me with a creative outlet, but also to encourage others.  Today, I encourage you to take Philippians 2:3 into your own heart and mind, and meditate on what it might mean for your life, just for one week.  There are days that I believe I do a pretty good job of putting others first, but there are many days that my own desires overtake me.  I want to want to do His will and to be less focused on myself.  Lord, help me, please, to do that this very day.

As far as Made to Crave goes today, let's put this verse into perspective in a personal way:  Although it will certainly benefit ME personally to lose weight and to decrease my lust for worldly "stuff", in the end it's about GOD.  For it was Him who made me; it was Him who called this body a temple to be honored and cared for.  It was Him who called me to serve others.  With a healthier body and mind - less focused on the desire for unhealthy food choices and less focused on acquiring "stuff" - I will be a better  child of God, better equipped, more thankful for His goodness and faithfulness. 

God continues to be my daily encourager in this effort.  Further down in Philippians 2, I find these words from verses 5 and 6:
Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

While I know that in this life I can never attain perfection, I am promised to be seen as one who emulates Christ if I call on Him, rededicate my life daily and confess my shortcomings.  Prayerfully I enter this day, confident that the blood of Jesus washed away my sins and now leads me forward in grateful service to His people.

What talent are you hiding that might encourage someone today?