Have you ever been given such an amazing, indescribable gift that you hestitate to share it with anyone? My fear is that it will no longer seem so marvelous if I let others in on the secret. Silly? Perhaps. But a human fear nonetheless.
In recent weeks I've stepped up my reading. The book that got me started blogging has been described on this site and I've quoted from its pages repeatedly. Made to Crave (Lysa TerKeurst) got under my skin as no other book has done in many years. The title provides a clue to its life-changing, thought-provoking words. I cannot imagine reading this book without "being changed" from the inside by the Holy Spirit. From those pages I learned in a new way that God loves me and DESIRES my fellowship, not just my prayers and petitions. Learning to crave God is a process, and I will be in this process until I leave this earth. However the fact that I took in Lysa's words and applied them to my personal, daily life is proof that God still works. And He is not finished with me yet. Craving God was a new thought to me, yet the information Lysa imparts in her book is readily available to me, as it is to all of us, through the pages of the Scriptures. She became my guide on this journey, and I will always be thankful for her wisdom in writing Made to Crave.
The second recent read that followed close on the heels of Made to Crave is One Thousand Gifts, A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp. This book is a must-read for any Christian seeking a closer walk with Christ. I will not give away the story, but the premise involves becoming aware of His gifts to you, to me, to all who accept them. I was truly mesmerized by Ann's poetic words and her heartfelt writing style. I cried many tears reading One Thousand Gifts. It is packed with words and phrases I do not want to lose! I had purchased it for my Kindle and found myself highlighting about every other page! So when I was finished reading it on the Kindle, I ordered the hardcover version so that I can highlight and flip back through to my heart's content, re-reading Ann's story and relishing the retelling. She is a gifted author, and this is a book I shall treasure. It was a GIFT to me!
These two volumes have altered the way I think about God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Not only how I think of the Trinity, but also how I interact with God... and with other people. And that is the ultimate gift: learning straight from God's mouth how to be His child in this world of hopelessness, despair, dejection, depression, denial, drudgery, materialism, and selfish ambition. From His mouth to my heart, I am changed. He is the ultimate Giver of gifts, and I am the grateful and humble recipient.
Today I am thanking Him for books... and for authors so gifted that I believe He has inspired their works. These women give me courage to step forward more boldly in the name of Christ, forsaking that which has the potential to drag me down and hinder my progress. Today I am also thanking Him for life... and for every sweet moment I had the privilege of living THIS DAY. Tomorrow may never come! So let it be said that I lived TODAY to the fullest.
..In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. --1 Peter 3:15
Regrettably, I have not always lived my days for a holy purpose. Selfishness is a sin that I struggle with daily! I cannot go back - hindsight is 20/20, but taking to heart the words from 1 Peter 3:15, coupled with the inspired thoughts of Lysa and Ann, I can change. I can apply God's teachings and their wisdom as I head down the road. October has been a milestone in my Christian walk. Today I am more alert to His desires for me. My head is held high, my heart beats wildly to serve, and my feet fairly float above the dirt. My eye is on the Prize.
Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. --1 Peter 2:10
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