At church yesterday we sang an old hymn that I grew up loving and playing on the piano. But when we sang it yesterday, it suddenly sounded new. It was as though God had opened my heart to hear the lyrics in a completely new way!
Like the woman at the well, I was seeking
For things that could not satisfy;
And then I heard my Savior speaking:
"Draw from My well that never shall run dry."
Fill my cup, Lord -
I lift it up, Lord!
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul;
Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more -
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!
These past few weeks God has used a number of ways to show me that HE is enough for me. Through books, devotional messages, sermons, music, conversations, a Sunday school lesson, a greeting card... it seems that my ears and eyes have begun to grasp the Truth that the LORD is my portion.
Weight loss is such a tired topic in our society. There are commercials in virtually every format for a myriad of products to help me shrink the fat, suck out the cellulite, drink away the hunger pangs, exercise without moving, feel full without eating. Stay up past 1 A.M. and you will find weight loss paraphernalia not advertised during prime time TV! The problem with all of these products is that they don't get to the heart of the matter. Eating too much food, making poor choices and exercising too little are sure-fire ways to find yourself fighting the Battle of the Bulge.
I've been fighting this battle as long as I can remember. Really. From the time I was about 12 years old, my Mom and I went on "diets" together. With my calorie book, spiral notebook, pencil and school pocket-folder, I recorded my food and calories, weighed faithfully and held my breath for even a smidgen of success. She and I would have moderate losses and then yo-yo back up again, gaining more weight until we had to start the process all over again.
At the tender age of 63, I am coming face to face with the Truth: Weight loss cannot ever be 100% successful without putting God into the mix.
Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more...
I am learning to pray when hunger pangs threaten. I am learning to search out Scripture that glorifies God and shows our dependence upon Him. I am learning to make wiser choices, most of the time, by being better prepared to make my own meals at home. I am learning to say NO to others who unwittingly offer me tempting treats. I am learning. It's still a process. I will never "arrive" in this life! But I can find victory in Christ Jesus who says He can make me whole.
So, my brother, if the things this world gave you
Leave hungers that won't pass away,
My blessed Lord will come and save you,
If you kneel to Him and humbly pray.
On the next page after Fill My Cup, Lord in the hymnal that lies open on my desk is this one: Higher Ground. Coincidence?
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