"All man's efforts are for his mouth, yet his appetite is never satisfied." --Ecclesiastes 6:7
Today I offer my thanks to Mike Montgomery at Walton Christian Church for delivering a message that led me to read the verse quoted above. His message did not focus on this verse, but it was among those he cited to make his point. And you can readily see why this particular scripture spoke to ME!
I've read verses in front of this one and behind it since coming home from church. Solomon had a lot to say about the emptiness of our earthly existence. He found it all to be meaningless - and brief.
Perhaps the brevity of life is what has prevented me in the past for truly taking to heart the need to reign in my appetite for things I find pleasing to eat and drink. After all, why BOTHER to be on a weight loss program when my life is no more than a vapor that evaporates in the wind? Is it worth the torture of going without the tantalizing treats that beckon me from every TV ad, every restaurant billboard, every grocery or convenience store?
And just in case you hadn't noticed, not only can you purchase coffee and Krispy Kremes from the corner quick-stop, you can now find frozen Cokes, latte's, cappucinos, delectable muffins, HUGE chocolate chip cookies, pies and, of course, the plethora of Hostess and Little Debbie cakes and rolls. It's no wonder America is getting fatter by the year. (That's not a criticism - I have been as guilty as anyone for being found weak in this area of temptation!)
But I digress... forgive me.
It's true that my physical appetite is never satisfied. I can sit down to a steak, baked potato, green beans, salad and roll and be completely FULL but not satisfied. Hmmmm... I think I need something sweet to finish off dinner and to cleanse the palate. A cookie will fill the bill. An hour later I remember fondly the sweet taste and the soft chewiness of that cookie, and I think I need one or two more to tide me over until snack time. Well, you can't have a snack of cookies without milk, so I pour a coffee mug of the yummy cold stuff to dunk my two (or what it three?) cookies. Then snack time comes and I eat, because ... well, it's time. I've been told (even by doctors) it's better to eat "6 small meals a day instead of 3 large meals". Well, define a small meal for me. I'm no good at portion control. So I come to snack time and eat an apple - good choice. Excellent in fact. Then it's nearing bedtime but going to bed without a lick of peanut butter would make me cranky so I get out the peanut butter jar. I'm not hungry, I just think I need the peanut butter to "tide me over till morning".
My one large meal should have more than sufficed for my entire evening, but I've added at least three cookies, a mug of milk and a healthy tablespoon of peanut butter in addition to the apple. Welcome to my past logic! On their own, none of those snacks would be bad at all... if taken alone. See how I used to rationalize my overeating? My bad habits are coming back to haunt me as I read this verse: "...yet his appetite is never satisfied."
Sitting here at the computer, pondering what I've written, I thumb through the Psalms. And sure enough - there it is. Another verse that illustrates GOD'S point about appetite. "The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods." (Psalm 16:4) Although Mike did not cite this verse today, this was the point of his message... gods with a small g versus THE GOD with a capital G.
Maybe I'm reading into these verses something that's not really there. But I prefer to think that GOD is using His Word and other people to remind me of His basic truths when it comes to food and appetite. 1. He provides all I NEED every day, every meal, 2. What I want is not necessarily what I need, and 3. I dwell far too much on food and not enough on the Lord's goodness.
I am a recovering overeater. I was made to crave GOD. I was created in His image. I have a free will. I choose to bring my will in line with His. I choose to dwell on His great love, His mercy, His goodness and His guidance. I refuse to dwell on satisfying every craving for food and drink.
Thanks, Mike, for listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit as you wrote your message for today.
One more verse..
"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure." --Psalm 16:5
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